Building a Production-Grade LLM Application

Building a Production-Grade LLM Application
Deploying a Secure, scalable & reliable enterprise-ready GenAI application with SimplAI

In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence, moving from proof-of-concept (PoC) to production is a significant challenge for enterprises, especially for applications that harness the power of large language models (LLMs). Beyond proving that a concept works in controlled environments, enterprises must ensure these applications meet stringent reliability, scalability, performance, and security criteria.

In other words, the application must achieve “production-grade” status, which is crucial for realising the full potential of Gen AI investments in real-world scenarios.

What Does “Production-Grade” Mean?

Imagine you decide to construct a small, temporary shelter in your backyard for a weekend camping adventure. You gather some basic materials, put together a simple structure, and it works perfectly for your needs that weekend. This is your proof of concept. It’s functional and serves its purpose in a limited, controlled scenario.

However, a completely different challenge is building a permanent house that withstands weather conditions, accommodates a family, complies with building codes, and stands the test of time.

Constructing this permanent house requires a team of skilled professionals: architects for designing the structure, engineers for ensuring stability, electricians and plumbers for installing essential systems, and inspectors to guarantee everything meets safety standards. Similarly, building a production-grade application necessitates a diverse set of skills and expertise beyond the initial PoC.

  1. Robustness: Gen AI applications must handle the complexity and variability of natural language inputs, reducing errors and enhancing reliability in real-world applications.
  2. Stability: Maintain uptime and reliability under various conditions to ensure continuous operation, especially with complexities inherent in language model deployments.
  3. High Performance: Critical for generative AI, high performance means optimizing response times and throughput to support real-time interactions and large-scale data processing.
  4. Security: Paramount in production, the application must safeguard sensitive data by LLMs against breaches and ensures compliance with data protection regulations.
  5. Maintainability: Facilitates ongoing updates and improvements to keep pace with evolving language models and business needs, increasing adaptability of LLM applications over time.
  6. Observability: Enables proactive monitoring and troubleshooting of LLM behavior, swiftly identifying and addressing issues to minimize downtime and maintain operational continuity.

Why is it Difficult to Build One, Especially for GenAI Applications?

By addressing these critical aspects enterprises can ensure their generative AI applications are ready for real-world production environments. However, the path to achieving this level of maturity is fraught with challenges, requiring meticulous planning, coordination, and continuous effort.

Building an LLM-based application that can withstand the forces of a production environment and succeed in real-world scenarios is inherently complex. The transition from a PoC to a production-grade application involves scaling up from limited, controlled environments to handling large-scale, unpredictable real-world data. This scaling introduces increased complexity in terms of performance, reliability, and robustness.

Moreover, production applications must adhere to stringent security protocols and regulatory compliance standards, which are often not considered during the PoC phase. The operational demands, such as continuous monitoring, logging, and maintenance, add another layer of complexity.

Integrating the application seamlessly with existing systems and workflows requires careful planning and compatibility considerations. Additionally, production applications need mechanisms for continuous learning and improvement, which involves monitoring for model drift, collecting feedback, and iteratively updating the model.

How to Build a Production-Grade LLM-Powered Application?

Creating a production-grade LLM-powered application requires a comprehensive approach, addressing various aspects of development, deployment, operations and monitoring.

We can look at it from three perspectives: building and upgrading the application itself, running the application, and monitoring the application.

Building the Application

Building an LLM-based application involves many of the same principles as any software development project but with additional considerations specific to AI.


Generative AI and LLMs exhibit non-deterministic behaviors, necessitating extensive experimentation to achieve desired outputs, also evaluating the trade-offs between cost and accuracy.

  • Explore foundational models across open and closed sources to find the best fit
  • Enhance LLM outputs via prompting strategies
  • Incorporate vector databases and embeddings, particularly in RAG setups
  • Define ethical and operational guidelines via guardrails to safeguard LLM behavior.

Building Blocks

Ensuring cohesion across the infrastructure, tooling, and application layers is crucial. This involves foundational and embedding models, orchestration frameworks, agentic workflows, RAG setups,integration with data pipelines, custom connectors, etc. Each layer enhances LLM capabilities, optimizes workflows, and integrates smoothly with external systems.

A unified development platform like SimplAI brings all the Gen AI tech stack together to build production-grade LLM applications.


Building enterprise-grade Gen AI applications requires a diverse skill set beyond data science teams. This includes expertise in software engineering, DevOps, product management, and domain-specific knowledge to ensure comprehensive development and deployment.

Enterprises should seek platforms like SimplAI that can democratize Gen AI for innovative teams while prioritizing robust data security measures.


In Gen AI applications, rigorous testing is essential to ensure the application behaves as expected, especially with agentic workflows and complex tools involving chaining, APIs, and logic. This includes unit testing for individual components to verify their functionality and integration testing to ensure different parts of the application work together seamlessly.


Comprehensive logging is vital for understanding application behavior and performance. Capture model predictions, input data details, system metrics, and key LLM metrics such as Time To First Token (TTFT), Time Per Output Token (TPOT), and throughput.


Quick deployment options with robust version control are crucial to minimize downtime and ensure smooth rollouts. It is important to promote prompt and workflow changes from development or staging environments into production with the necessary flexibility and control, without requiring any code changes.


Seamless integration with existing technology stacks and workflows is crucial for deploying LLM-powered applications effectively:

  • Input: Enable plug-and-play options to seamlessly integrate LLM applications with enterprise data sources.
  • Output: Configure LLM applications to deliver outputs via APIs, webhooks, or embeddable code, facilitating interaction with other systems for generated content and insights.

Operating the Application

Running a production-grade LLM application involves ensuring that it can scale efficiently and maintain high performance. Operating a production-grade LLM application involves focussing on scalability, performance, and security:


Scalability refers to a system's ability to efficiently manage increasing workloads or user demands.

  • Auto Scaling: For LLM applications, which demand significant computational power, auto-scaling compute resources such as GPUs are crucial. They handle intensive tasks during peak usage and optimize resource usage during periods of lower demand.
  • Load Balancing: Efficiently distribute network traffic across multiple LLM instances, ensuring high availability and optimal performance for your generative AI applications.
  • API Reliability: Critical for LLM applications, as APIs can sometimes fail unexpectedly or have rate limits. Built-in automatic retries feature helps recover a substantial number of requests, ensuring robust performance and reliability.


A high-performance system can respond quickly to user requests, process large amounts of data, and utilize computational resources efficiently, thereby enhancing performance across various operational scenarios.

  • Parallelization: LLM applications often involve complex multi-step workflows. Parallelization helps tasks without sequential dependencies to be executed concurrently, optimizing processing times and resource utilization across different stages of the application.
  • Asynchronous processing: LLM applications will have numerous concurrent user requests or data streams. By processing tasks asynchronously, the system can maintain high throughput and responsiveness, ensuring interactions are handled promptly without delays.
  • Real-time streaming: Processing data streams as they arrive, the application can provide immediate responses. This real-time capability is crucial for LLM applications such as interactive chatbots or real-time content generation.
  • Caching: Each LLM call incurs token costs and latency. To optimize performance, store frequently accessed data in fast-access memory. This includes precomputed results of common queries or intermediate computations, reducing the need to repeatedly process the same data.

Privacy for Models and Data

Privacy and security are paramount for LLM-based applications, ensuring the protection of sensitive data and adherence to regulatory requirements.

  • Data Encryption: Implement robust encryption techniques to safeguard data both at rest and in transit. Encryption ensures that sensitive information, including model inputs and outputs, remains secure from unauthorized access.
  • Access Controls: Utilize stringent access controls to manage who can access the application and its data. Role-based access control (RBAC) and authentication mechanisms help enforce security policies and prevent unauthorized use.
  • Compliance Measures: Adhere to data protection regulations such as GDPR, CCPA, and industry-specific standards. Compliance ensures that data handling practices meet legal requirements and maintain user trust.
  • Secure APIs: LLM applications rely heavily on APIs for interaction with external systems. Implement secure API practices, including authentication, rate limiting, and payload encryption, to protect against API abuse and ensure reliability.
With SimplAI, enterprises can also deploy and run LLM-based applications in their own cloud with 100% Data Privacy & Compliance

Maintaining the Application

Continuous monitoring and observability are crucial for maintaining the health and performance of LLM-based applications.


Tracing captures the complete execution context of LLM applications, including retrieval, generation, API calls, and more. It enables detailed debugging in production monitoring and development evaluation environments at a component level.


LLM evaluation is critical for ensuring production-grade applications meet performance benchmarks and operational requirements. By rigorously assessing both the model's core capabilities and its performance within specific applications or user interactions, developers can mitigate risks such as bias and ensure consistent, reliable outputs in real-world scenarios.

Unified Platform

In production environments, managing AI applications involves integrating multiple tools to monitor model performance, detect data drift, and gather feedback for continuous improvement. A unified platform simplifies these tasks by consolidating tools and processes, ensuring seamless operation and enabling efficient management of AI applications at scale.

Active Learning

Techniques like Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) and Reinforcement Learning from Active Interaction Feedback (RLAIF), is crucial for production-grade applications. These methods integrate real-world feedback into data management and model retraining, optimizing application performance.

Need help getting started?

Focusing on three key perspectives—building, running, and monitoring—can enable enterprises to develop robust, scalable, and high-performing LLM-powered applications. This process may seem daunting, but you don’t have to tackle it alone.

All this may sound daunting, but luckily, you don’t have to build it all yourself.

SimplAI is a unified development platform that brings together a comprehensive tech stack for generative AI. It significantly streamlines these processes, offering a complete solution for managing the entire lifecycle of LLM-based applications.

Reach out to us at [email protected] or book a demo if you’d like to learn more.

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